This past weekend, we were at the colourful festival that is Rocking the Daisies and what an experience it was. The good people at Klipdrift let us into their activation space for us to experience what they have to offer.

I approached a large board with flaps. Under each flap could either be a prize that I could receive, or I could draw a blank. Fortune was on my side as I opened a flap that would see me receiving a prize. Beaming in excitement, I headed back to the promoters who welcomed me in to collect my prize. The prize I received was a cooling towel and given the rate at which I sweat, it was a welcomed prize.

Upon approaching the activation space, you are greeted by promoters who are decked out in red Klipdrift dresses. Their greetings were warm and welcoming, almost as if we were part of the Klipdrift family.
The promoter then told me about the amazing prizes that I could win if I purchased two Klipdrift products. I could either get a fresh new haircut or try my hand at winning a prize. Naturally, I bought myself two Klipdrifts and Cola’s and tried my hand at winning a prize because I already had a fresh haircut to attend Rocking the Daisies.

Despite the thrill that I received by winning a prize, the amount of gaming experiences that were taking place at the activation were the real prize. I tentatively approached the gaming console because two people were playing Mortal Kombat, a game I haven’t played since I was in primary school. After watching people duel to the death – not literally of course – I stepped up for my turn. How did i fare you might ask? Well… let’s just say that it definitely didn’t go as planned. However, in all fairness, i hadn’t played the game in a decade so I held my own.
As much as I was having fun on the PS5, the penultimate gaming experience came via the Formula 1 racing simulator. After watching a couple of people completly flame out, I stepped up to the hot seat. Unlike previous players, I decided to choose a race track that has a lot of straight stretches in because as confident as I am in my driving, I am no Formula 1 driver.

Overall, the Klipdrift activation space was by far the best activation space at Rocking the Daisies because of the number of entertainment options that were there for us to enjoy. Thank you to the Klipdrift family for the experience.