Hp Manyenga , birth name Hope Mavaza is a Zimbabwean rapper, born and raised in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second Largest city. He is also known in his circles as a music producer hence Hp Manyenga began his career in 2016 and his music has been rotating in local radio stations having tracks like NGIYADELELA, VODLOZA and currently his new single uCHERRY OMUBI sitting on |number1 | on KHULUMANI FM HIPHOP TOP 20.
He has managed to perform the music in various places around the city of Bulawayo namely the rapperholics lab hiphop movement being held at ‘centre pub and grill held every Friday.
His music is a social commentary addressing the social ills, achievements and other captivating moments we all face as humans as such it tuctles all life experiences being brought together.