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about us
I'm an uprising musician with stories to shear to the world...I'm a concious rapper based in WATERLOO North Coast of Durban. I am the part of a small Non profit organization called "The Voice Of the youth" where the youth like me and other youth out there get a chance to free their mentality, express their feelings and thoughts. We promote success not competition. Now about me and music relationships wise. We click and make something beautiful that may relate or give motivation to others.My real name is Ntokozo Khulekani Ngema born and raised in the ghetto. I grew up listening to music. I fell in love with music since 2008. I started writing lyrics around 2010, due what I've been seeing and experiencing around my child hood. If you listen deep into my lyrics I always rap about my true experience. My mom once told me music is not a career it a hobbie, but i chose to challange her. The reason why i do rap music. I hqve stoeues to shear also I'm here to make a mark by my creativity, inspire, aspire, and motivate the growing ones....I believe we all can make it.... Khlekanintokozo25 @Gmail.Com 068 595 0753 phone number IG : @ Dee-Lusional Tweeter : @LusionalDee Tumblr : Dee-Lusional Soundcloud : Dee-Lusional One project on this platform.