Inkabi Nation drops visuals for ‘Voicemail’
Big Zulu, Mduduzi Ncube, Lwah Ndlunkulu, Siya Ntuli and Xowla, collectively known as Inkabi Nation are frustrated; calls to respective baes keep going to voicemail, so they each have questions for them in their new video single ‘Voicemail’.
The visuals are directed by Slowman Films, and they show the crew members draped in the freshest bhinca swag and performing with vintage phones. Inkabi Nation perfectly blends hip-hop with maskkandi, a style championed by Big Zulu in his flourishing career.
iNkabi Nation📍Voicemail Video 📍
Voicemail Music Video it’s out on YouTube please check it🙏🏿— Big Zulu (@BigZulu_ZN) July 18, 2022
‘Voicemail’ comes with a fun dance that pretty much anyone can do. This might just be the anthem in the next few weeks or months, just watch.
Watch the music video for ‘Voicemail’ by Inkabi Nation on YouTube and stream the song on Apple Music and Spotify.