HYPE Spotlight Archives | HYPE Magazine https://hypemagazine.co.za/category/hype-spotlight/ Bigger Than Hip-Hop Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:37:29 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hypemagazine.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/favicon-1-100x100.png HYPE Spotlight Archives | HYPE Magazine https://hypemagazine.co.za/category/hype-spotlight/ 32 32 R&B Radar: Mo$hpit Cindy https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/11/15/rb-radar-moh-pit-cindy/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:36:51 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=75092 Witness the rise In the world of R&B singer Mo$hpit Cindy as she emerges with a unique story to tell. […]

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Witness the rise In the world of R&B singer Mo$hpit Cindy as she emerges with a unique story to tell.

Words: Lolwetu Pakati 

Visuals: Courtesy of Mo$hpit Cindy

In the world of underground R&B, Mo$hpit Cindy emerges with a story as unembellished as her beats. Her moniker, coined from a lost shoe incident in a mosh pit at Cotton Fest in 2019, serves as a fitting introduction to her unconventional journey.

Recording on GarageBand with just her headphones and phone in 2020, Mo$hpit Cindy’s venture into music was initially a pastime during lockdown. However, what started as a casual hobby became a legitimate pursuit, stemming from a passion for music that began at the age of 13. “For Her,” her debut track, marked the initial expression of an art that eventually transcended her expectations.

Prompted by friends’ encouragement, she young singer transitioned from a personal endeavor to a professional pursuit. With producer Lee Global, she navigated the nuances of music production, dropping singles at a steady pace. The reception surpassed her modest predictions.

The essence of Mo$hpit Cindy’s narrative revolves around self-belief, a quality that fuelled her decision to confront familial resistance and drop out of school. In her words, “I’m addicted to proving people wrong,” a sentiment that prompted a year-long hiatus to focus on her musical career.

I’m addicted to proving people wrong”

However, success brought its share of challenges. The realities of public visibility forced introspection on whether she was comfortable with the responsibilities of an artist. Amidst the whirlwind, her studio debut on September 11, 2020, with “Ghost,” marked a turning point, propelling her onto national stages like the Ivyson Tour, co-signed Nasty C, and playlist by Apple Music. Mo$hpit Cindy’s story is a straightforward account—a journey from mosh pit mishap to studio success. Her music is a matter-of-fact reflection of resilience, a testament to defying norms, and an anthem of self-belief resonating through her music.

Instagram: moshpitcindy

YouTube: Mo$hpit Cindy

Listen to Mo$hpit cindy’s ‘JUSt A Tape’

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R&B Radar: A Glimpse into Fentse’s Soul https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/10/18/rb-radar-a-glimpse-into-fentses-soul/ Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:06:08 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=74272 Exploring the Depths of Fentse’s Musical Universe https://hypemagazine.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/SaveInsta.App-3172049935926592915.mp4 Words: Lolwetu Pakati  Visuals: Courtesy of @k.skits & Fentse Let’s dive straight […]

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Exploring the Depths of Fentse's Musical Universe

Words: Lolwetu Pakati 

Visuals: Courtesy of @k.skits & Fentse

Let’s dive straight into the world of Fentse, a 23-year-old singer-songwriter who is painting musical landscapes through her ethereal sound. Her musical journey began in 2021 with the release of her debut EP, ‘Get It Together,’ and now she’s back on the scene with ‘Therapy Is Cancelled.’ This 9-track EP is more than just notes and rhythms; it’s an ode to her inner child.

‘Therapy Is Cancelled’: It’s like stepping into a dream where Fentse’s music guides you. Fentse’s enchanting vocals and lyricism but also the production quality on this EP is nothing short of exceptional, creating an ethereal and dreamy atmosphere that perfectly complements her unique sound. With a delicate blend of soft strumming and pulsating percussion, the result is a sonic landscape that feels like you’re floating on a cloud or wandering through an enchanted forest. It’s an experience that’s both personal and surreal, inviting you into Fentse’s world

As you listen to the EP, one can be captivated by the balance between Fentse’s emotive vocals and the well-crafted instrumentals. It’s a testament to the synergy between artist and producer, creating a musical experience that is both personal and surreal. With a production that seamlessly weaves together elements of soul, R&B, and a touch of dreamy ambience, ‘Therapy Is Cancelled’ is not just a collection of songs; it’s a masterfully produced work of art that immerses you in Fentse’s world. As she continues to share her gift with the world, the future is brimming with promise for this emerging artist.

Her talent hasn’t gone unnoticed. She’s found a place on the playlists of both Apple Music and Spotify, and her EP has garnered over 55,000 listens since its release. That’s no small feat; it’s a testament to her ability to connect with her growing fan base on a deep level.

Listen to Fentse’s latest ‘Therapy Is cancelled’ EP:

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[Fresh Notes] – Ntando Khumalo aka Zōrrow: Crafting Musical Waves of Change, Embracing Identity and Empowering Communities https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/09/06/fresh-notes-ntando-khumalo-aka-zorrow-crafting-musical-waves-of-change-embracing-identity-and-empowering-communities/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 10:18:32 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=73050 A melodic journey of passion, resilience and empowerment Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Zōrrow In the heart of South […]

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A melodic journey of passion, resilience and empowerment

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Zōrrow

In the heart of Soshanguve, a young artist with a passion for music and a unique life story is making waves in the music industry. Meet Ntando Khumalo, a 22-year-old sound engineering student hailing from Soshanguve, Pretoria. Known by his stage name Zōrrow, this artist’s journey is a testament to the power of embracing one’s true self and using music as a means to uplift, inspire and effect change.

A life shaped by love and music

Growing up in Soshanguve, Zōrrow’s life was filled with the love of his mother and grandparents. His educational journey at Prinshof School remained remarkably consistent, from Grade 1 to Matric, a choice that raised eyebrows in a world accustomed to transitions. “People usually switch schools when they go from primary to high school,” Zōrrow remarks, adding that his singular path was a source of connection to his roots.

But it’s the musical journey that truly defines Zōrrow’s life. Influenced by his grandfather’s quirky tradition of assigning unusual nicknames, the name Zōrrow became Ntando’s artistic identity. It wasn’t until after his grandparents’ passing that he fully embraced Zōrrow as his stage name, marking a return to his essence, a journey mirrored in his music.

From battles to ballads: a sonic evolution

Zōrrow’s musical journey began with hip-hop, his admiration for Eminem sparking a desire to emulate the legendary rapper. Battling friends in school, he discovered his knack for lyricism and rhythm, consistently surprising himself with victories against formidable opponents. “I recorded my first two songs in high school, and the reception those songs got everywhere I played them cemented the fact that I could actually do this,” Zōrrow recalls.

Zōrrow’s creative spectrum extends far beyond the confines of a single genre. From gospel-infused rap anthems to soul-stirring ballads, his music defies easy categorisation. “My style is worldly, drawing inspiration from the soul instead of my ears,” he explains. This fearless approach to experimentation breathes life into his compositions, creating a unique blend that resonates deeply with listeners.

Crafting melodies and messages

For Zōrrow, the art of creation is a blend of intuition and meticulous attention. Whether in the studio or at home, his songwriting process evolves to suit the moment. “Everything that I put on the song has to feel and sound just right,” he states. This pursuit of perfection extends beyond the music; Zōrrow’s ultimate goal is to uplift and inspire through his art, touching the core of his audience’s being.

Battling doubt and inspiring growth

Zōrrow’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. The spectre of doubt looms large, both internally and externally. “The biggest challenge, I think, for any musician trying to make a career out of it is doubt,” he admits. However, Zōrrow’s solution to this universal struggle is not to eliminate doubt but to transcend it. “Believe in yourself before everyone else. I swear they will come afterwards,” he asserts, a philosophy that has guided his return from a self-imposed hiatus and continues to propel his artistic trajectory.

Music as a catalyst for change

As an artist with a purpose, Zōrrow channels his creative energies to amplify causes close to his heart. Being albino, he’s committed to raising awareness about albinism, dispelling myths and educating the public about the needs of individuals with albinism. Moreover, he’s dedicated to the empowerment of African communities, advocating for self-improvement and development. “We need to empower and improve ourselves instead of relying on the government,” he emphasises, aligning his musical journey with a greater purpose.

Charting the path ahead

The future holds great promise for Zōrrow. With a vision of international recognition and a desire to shape the industry, he’s set on breaking barriers. “I want to have an actual influence over the industry,” he declares, outlining a trajectory that extends beyond his own artistry to impact the entertainment landscape at large. As he looks ahead to potential world tours, new releases and community projects, Zōrrow’s dedication to growth, empowerment and creating a brighter world through his music shines as a beacon of hope.

Crafting soundscapes: the creative process unveiled

When it comes to crafting a new song, Zōrrow takes us on a journey into the very heart of his creative process. “I’ll listen to a beat and try to sort of feel the beat and all its instruments,” Zōrrow shares. This initial connection with the rhythm and melody sets the stage for the journey ahead. With a discerning ear, he hunts for the “right melody”, a melody that resonates deeply with his emotions and vision.

As the melody takes shape, Zōrrow explains that the lyrical journey often follows. “After writing the first five or six bars, the lyrics of the song will sort of come together and give me a concept to write about,” he elaborates. Sometimes, this concept emerges organically, while on other occasions, it’s born from the nuances of the day or even the weather. The art of songwriting, as Zōrrow describes, is about embracing the ebb and flow, letting ideas ride the waves of creativity.

Chasing dreams: the fuel behind the craft

What keeps an artist like Zōrrow motivated and inspired? “Belief and improvement,” he says with conviction. In an industry where doubts can creep in and external pressures abound, Zōrrow advocates for building self-awareness and focusing on personal growth. “As long as you see your own improvement and know in your heart that this is what’s for you, then never stop,” he affirms.

The path to success is paved with self-motivation, even on the darkest days. Zōrrow encourages fellow musicians to shine their light in those moments and to keep striving and evolving. “Be so good they can’t ignore you,” he asserts, a testament to the power of his unwavering dedication.

Art’s unparalleled impact: a beacon in society

“[Art] is everything. There is nothing without art,” Zōrrow passionately proclaims. His words echo the sentiment that art is a cornerstone of human civilisation. From design to architecture, art weaves through the fabric of society, conveying messages that transcend language and culture.

The profound impact of art, as Zōrrow explains, lies in its ability to communicate without words. “Art touches us in a way nothing else can,” he states. Whether it’s a painting that speaks a thousand words or a wordless melody that evokes deep emotions, art resonates with the soul, offering insights that words alone cannot convey.

Life’s melodies: the source of inspiration

For Zōrrow, the wellspring of inspiration is life itself. “The things I go through, the things other people go through… other creators,” he reflects. The act of creation is deeply ingrained in the human experience, an inherent trait that transcends disciplines. “You as a human being will always create something,” Zōrrow notes, emphasising that creation is innate and omnipresent.

In times when motivation wanes, Zōrrow finds solace in the act of creation. “Motivation is everywhere,” he proclaims, a reminder that the act of crafting, whether it’s writing down thoughts or composing melodies, is always within reach.

Raising Albinism awareness

“As an albino person, my first instinct would be to raise awareness of albino people and their needs,” affirms the artist. In a heartfelt acknowledgement of his personal journey, this artist is driven to shine a spotlight on the unique challenges faced by individuals with albinism. Through his music, he aspires to foster a collective understanding that extends beyond mere tolerance. His focus extends to intricate aspects such as caring for albino babies and individuals – matters as fundamental as skincare and eye protection. This commitment transcends raising awareness; it seeks to cultivate a society that embodies comprehensive knowledge about albinism in all its dimensions.

Defining success: flourishing through art

For Zōrrow, success is not just about financial gains; it’s about flourishing through one’s art in every facet of life. “Flourish through your art not only financially, but also spiritually and mentally,” he affirms. His perspective underscores the importance of holistic growth, ensuring that artistic pursuits contribute to personal well-being.

Fostering connections: the power of collaboration

Navigating the intricate world of music isn’t a solo endeavour for Zōrrow. His network extends beyond fellow artists, encompassing event promoters, live sound engineers and more. “Having a network like that gives me more access to different kinds of opportunities,” Zōrrow shares. Collaborations with diverse industry players have enriched his journey, propelling him to explore new sonic landscapes.

Facing critiques and embracing praise

Criticism is part and parcel of the artistic journey, but Zōrrow takes it in stride. “I actually don’t listen to critics like that,” he confesses. Acknowledging that art is subjective, he emphasises the importance of staying true to his unique vision. The praise he’s received outweighs the criticism, reminding him to focus on his dedicated fan base and his own growth as an artist.

A journey of personal pride

Reflecting on his artistic journey, Zōrrow finds pride in taking the plunge and pursuing his dream wholeheartedly. “Seeing myself today and seeing how close my goals are keeps me here,” he shares. The struggles and doubts that once clouded his path have transformed into the fuel that propels him forward.

As Zōrrow gazes ahead, he does so with a sense of responsibility to those artists who couldn’t make it and a commitment to his own growth. His journey serves as a reminder that embracing one’s calling can inspire not only personal achievement but also a legacy for generations to come.

Evolution in motion: refining the art of promotion

With an eye on the future, Zōrrow is set to evolve in his approach to marketing. “I’m creating a release schedule,” he revealed, a departure from the sporadic releases of the past. Consistent promotion across social platforms, along with strategic budget allocation, forms the backbone of his new strategy. The focus isn’t solely on the music; it’s about creating a holistic experience through content that resonates with fans.

YouTube and TikTok will take centre stage as Zōrrow plans to engage his audience with visual content tied to each release. His goal is to seamlessly synchronise content creation with music drops, offering an immersive journey for fans.

In Zōrrow’s world, creativity is a force that flows, evolving with the changing tides of inspiration. As he continues to create, collaborate and elevate his craft, the artistry of Zōrrow stands as a testament to the profound impact of music on the human experience. With every note, he weaves stories that transcend boundaries, reminding us that, at its core, music is the universal language of the soul.

TikTok: @tpb_zorrow

YouTube: Zōrrow


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R&B Radar: The Rise of Liindor https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/08/31/rb-radar-the-rise-of-liindor/ Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:14:42 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72991 Embracing his KZN roots, Liindor emerges as the epitome of the next alternative star. A fusion of talent and innovation […]

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Embracing his KZN roots, Liindor emerges as the epitome of the next alternative star. A fusion of talent and innovation awaits. Witness the rise.

Words: Lolwetu Pakati 

Visuals: Courtesy of @Liindoreal

Hailing from the vibrant province of KwaZulu-Natal, Liindor is poised to conquer the music scene with his distinct blend of talent and passion. Born Lindokhule Doom on October 3rd, 1999, this multifaceted artist has embraced his musical journey with fervour, captivating listeners as a rapper, singer, and producer. Fuelled by an unrelenting love for music since his formative years, Liindor’s evolution into a rising R&B sensation was inevitable.

Liindor’s story is interwoven with the rich tapestry of South African hip-hop, particularly the genre’s dominance in 2014, which profoundly influenced his artistic trajectory. His lyrical prowess is underscored by his preference for the Zulu language, infusing his music with cultural depth and authenticity.

Liindor’s sonic palette is a captivating fusion of trap, African R&B, and rap, crafting a unique auditory experience that is both modern and rooted in tradition. His music embodies the rhythmic heartbeat of Africa while embracing the contemporary soundscape, resulting in a style that’s as refreshing as it is familiar. This creative alchemy has earned him coveted spots on a range of official playlists on Spotify and Apple Music, including “Me and Bae,” “Mzansi Soul,” “Mood,” “Africa Rising,” and “Spotify Fresh Finds Africa.”


With a steadily growing presence in the industry, Liindor is more than an artist – he’s a beacon of the future. His music is a testament to his dedication, serving as an audible canvas on which he paints stories of life, love, and the human experience. As his journey unfolds, there’s an undeniable sense of anticipation. Keep an ear to the ground for this rising star. 


Instagram: liindoreal

Listen to Liindor’s latest EP Is’qalo: The Beginning

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5 questions for Blue-K https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/08/29/5-questions-for-blue-k/ Tue, 29 Aug 2023 13:15:26 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72977 How long have you been making music, and how did it start for you? Kamvelihle “Blue Kitty” Melaphi was born […]

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How long have you been making music, and how did it start for you?

Kamvelihle “Blue Kitty” Melaphi was born on the 27th May 2004, she grew up between Khayelitsha and Langa township but eventually moved to suburban Wynberg, Cape  Town. Blue’s music is as diverse and far reaching as her background, Blue maintains her childhood personal experiences as well as stories of others which makes her largely relatable to her fellow generation Z’s or more familiarly, the ‘2000s generation’.

 It was in her early Primary school years – grade 4, at 10yrs of age – where Kamvelihle  had taken up music classes and would often sing in the church choir, but soon after  realizing her poetic writing abilities she took up rap music where she discovered her passion in writing lyrics, delivering slick word play and telling authentic stories through  music, Blue had found a homely space in the Hip Hop arts fraternity.

Today Blue-K is a 18 year old, South African rapper, singer, songwriter and dancer who got her first big break at the tender age of just 13yrs when widely acclaimed South  African female rapper, Nadia Nakai shared/retweeted one of Blue’s rap videos on her  social media platforms and other major artists in the game such as Cassper Nyovest,  YoungstaCPT & BET award winning, Sjava began appreciating Blue-K’s skilful delivery on a mic. Slikour also, went on to co-sign Blue on the most respected hip hop  sites in the land, SlikourOnLife which catapulted Blue’s Music career as BLUE KITTY.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?

Buzzi Lee. I love her authenticity in her music, reminds me of how much potential rapping in vernac actually has and how’d also like to put my own home language on, isiXhosa.

What is your proudest achievement to date?

Blue enjoys media attention from a wide variety of radio and television stations having  done interviews across South Africa, noticeably the best youth shows such as,  HECTICNINE-9, UCT Radio, HecticOn3 and the most recognized hip-hop show in  the land, Shiz Live.

This 18-year-old national treasure, continues to break the internet with the help of her  Blue-Fam fan base and stun the nation with her vicious feline raps, flows and rhymes. In 2019, she released her Rainy Days EP considered to be Blue’s most honest work yet, being that she relays stories about life growing up in the “big bad” music industry.

Which artist is, in your opinion, the GOAT?

Nasty C, he’s raps, flows and bars – also he’s star appeal. Nobody does it like Nasty Cat, in fact he inspired my name hence the Blue Kitty.

What can we expect from you in the coming year?

I’ve officially moved cities, am now currently based in Joburg, studying Bachelor of Music at WITS, so I’m still settling in the new environment, seeing how I can incorporate my new learnings into my music and working on an E.P called ‘Way With Words’ dropping sometime this winter.


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[Fresh Notes] – Farai Walter Magaramombe – unveiling the soulful sounds of Fizzhoe https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/08/25/fresh-notes-farai-walter-magaramombe-unveiling-the-soulful-sounds-of-fizzhoe/ Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:32:47 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72888 From Pretoria to the world: an artist’s journey of passion and resilience Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Farai Walter […]

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From Pretoria to the world: an artist’s journey of passion and resilience

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Farai Walter Magaramombe

I believe in the power of music to build bridges of empathy and compassion. Many of my songs touch on universal themes of love, loss, growth and resilience.

In the heart of South Africa’s bustling city of Pretoria, a rising star has been quietly making waves in the music scene. Farai Walter Magaramombe, better known by his stage name Fizzhoe, is a 26-year-old artist whose captivating blend of hip-hop and poetry has been capturing the hearts and minds of listeners. With a unique sound and a compelling storytelling approach, Fizzhoe’s music offers a heartfelt expression of his soul and resonates deeply with those who encounter it.

A childhood shaped by supportive roots

Born and raised in Pretoria, Fizzhoe’s journey into the world of music was nurtured by his supportive family and vibrant surroundings. Growing up with his parents, Lovemore and Juliet Magaramombe, and brothers Tinashe and Dr Norman, Fizzhoe was encouraged to follow his dreams from a young age. “My family has always been my rock, cheering me on and believing in my potential,” he shares.

A prelude to artistry: the early years

Fizzhoe’s musical journey took its initial steps during his years at Christian Progressive College, where he actively participated in various extracurricular activities, including talent shows, contemporary dance and chess. However, it was the allure of music that truly captured his heart. “I knew deep down that music was my true calling,” he reveals.

The birth of Fizzhoe

The name “Fizzhoe” is not just a catchy stage name – it’s a testament to Fizzhoe’s creative journey. “It’s derived from ‘Fatso’, a short Shona nickname for Farai,” he explains. The name found its roots in Fizzhoe’s involvement in the business side of music, specifically funding a modelling agency. “My cousins started calling me Fizzhoe, and it stuck,” he laughs. The name perfectly encapsulates the essence of his artistry, standing out in a crowd of artists.


Music: a powerful outlet for expression

Fizzhoe’s connection to music dates from his early childhood. “I would sing and write songs to express my feelings and thoughts,” he recalls. While he started writing songs at the age of 10, it wasn’t until his late teens that he ventured into professional recording. The excitement and nervousness he felt when stepping into the recording studio for the first time and working with producers Raspy (Collins Kalitera) and Eccentric Kind, solidified his dedication to pursuing a career in music. “It was an exhilarating experience, and from that moment on, I knew this was the path I wanted to pursue,” Fizzhoe reminisces.

Challenges and triumphs

The path to success in the music industry is often paved with challenges, and Fizzhoe is no stranger to them. Gaining recognition and breaking through in a competitive industry has been a significant hurdle. “It can be tough to get noticed and make a name for yourself,” he admits. Yet he’s tackled this challenge with persistence and consistency. “I’ve learnt to be patient and stay persistent in my efforts,” he affirms.

Crafting a unique sound: hip-hop and poetry fusion

Fizzhoe’s music is a sonic blend of hip-hop and poetry, a fusion that allows him to craft a unique and authentic sound. “My style is a mix of genres that creates a fresh and distinctive sound,” he explains. Drawing inspiration from influential artists like Tee Ty, Zoocci Coke Dope and J. Cole, as well as poets like Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes, Fizzhoe weaves intricate verses and poetic storytelling into his music.

Connecting through music

In his own words, he states, “I believe in the power of music to build bridges of empathy and compassion. Many of my songs touch on universal themes of love, loss, growth and resilience.” Through his heartfelt lyrics and emotive performances, Fizzhoe aims to create a sense of solidarity among his listeners, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles or joys.

The path ahead: dreams and collaborations

Big Number firmly believes that art is a vital part of society, serving as an escape, a form of communication and a source of inspiration. For him, creating music is not just about motivation but a natural talent that he possesses. He finds inspiration in people’s experiences and situations they encounter.

Defining success and advice for aspiring musicians

Fizzhoe’s future is filled with dreams of releasing impactful albums and EPs that showcase his growth as an artist. Collaborating with influential musicians and embarking on national and international tours are among his aspirations. “Bringing my music to different audiences and experiencing the energy of live shows around the world would be a dream come true,” he exclaims.

 Fizzhoe’s music is more than just melodies and lyrics; it’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience and authentic expression. With his unique sound, heartfelt narratives and dedication to his craft, Fizzhoe is poised to leave an indelible mark on the world of music.

Stay tuned for the exciting developments on Fizzhoe’s horizon, including his upcoming club tour and collaborations with talented producers. As he continues to evolve with the ever-changing music landscape, Fizzhoe’s journey promises.


Twitter: @Fizzhoe

Instagram: @Fizzhoe

YouTube: Fizzhoe – Topic


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[Fresh Notes] – From Pretoria to the rest of the world, GrèY GalxY is making waves with his unique blend of languages and genres https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/08/16/fresh-notes-from-pretoria-to-the-rest-of-the-world-grey-galxy-is-making-waves-with-his-unique-blend-of-languages-and-genres/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:36:56 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72779 Discovering a passion for music and embracing a multifaceted identity Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by GrèY GalxY “Growing up, […]

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Discovering a passion for music and embracing a multifaceted identity

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by GrèY GalxY

“Growing up, I got introduced to hip-hop by my uncle. We used to play Neo Geo computer games and listened to a lot of it in the background, mainly Eminem, and that’s how I got to love lyricism and wordplay,” recalls GrèY GalxY, a rising star in the music industry. His real name is Bruce Musekwa, and he explains that his stage name represents the multitude of artistic things he does besides music. “The name came from the idea that the colour grey is a combination of colours in one, which describes the multitude of artistic things I do besides music, and the galaxy part represents all the genres of music I make.”  

Music has the power to ignite emotions, inspire change and remind us of our shared experiences. For GrèY GalxY, music has been a catalyst for self-discovery, resilience and expressing the beauty of his hometown, Pretoria.

Transitioning from being a dedicated listener to becoming an artist himself, GrèY GalxY began penning his own songs at the age of 12. His journey took a significant turn when he decided to change his stage name from Bruceboy to reflect his multi-dimensional artistic abilities.


Inspirations from within and beyond the music industry

When asked about his biggest inspirations, GrèY GalxY points to Eminem as a major influence. “From him, I learnt that you can make it even if you are not the typical face they expect.” Outside the music industry, GrèY GalxY draws inspiration from his mother and his faith. He believes that staying true to oneself and trusting in a higher power are keys to success.

“Pretoria’s Pride”: Conveying the beauty and complexity of GrèY GalxY’s hometown

One of GrèY GalxY’s primary motivations as an artist is to challenge the stereotypes surrounding his hometown, Pretoria. He aims to prove that this vibrant city is not merely defined by its flaws but possesses immense beauty and cultural richness. Through his music, GrèY GalxY captures the essence of Pretoria, whether through his infectious hip-hop beats, soul-stirring R&B melodies, energetic amapiano rhythms or captivating Afropop vibes.

His recently released three-track EP titled Pitori Gospel tells a powerful story of a young man named Tumelo. This narrative weaves together elements of faith, personal struggles and the harsh realities faced by many youths in Pretoria. ‘Nyaopes’, one of the tracks on the EP, delves into the tragic experience of Tumelo getting caught up with the wrong crowd and ultimately falling victim to violence. Through his music, he sheds light on the challenges faced by his community, while also offering hope and inspiration.

Balancing the challenges of a music career
GrèY GalxY acknowledges that pursuing a career in music is not easy. “Don’t let them lie to you, chasing your dreams only gets tougher before you make it,” he says. “You’ll lose friends’ and sometimes family’s favour, you’ll be a black sheep in your community and go broke in the process. But Trust The Process!”

A versatile artist with a heart for others

GrèY GalxY considers his ability to adapt to different music trends and make music in multiple languages to be his biggest strengths as an artist. When he’s not working on music, he enjoys playing games and watching cartoons – he describes himself as a simple guy. GrèY GalxY also expresses his love for helping others, particularly young aspiring musicians. He hopes to support them in the future and help them get their names known.

“Legacy in the making”: Future collaborations and unforgettable performances

GrèY GalxY finds joy in collaborating with other artists and expanding his musical network. He believes that by working with artists who share his work ethic and dedication, he can create meaningful and impactful pieces. He expresses his admiration for fellow artists Toss and Maglera Doe Boy, envisioning future collaborations that will push creative boundaries and surprise both himself and his audience.

When reflecting on his favourite live performances, GrèY GalxY fondly recalls two significant events. The first was in Musina, Limpopo, in 2021 when he witnessed the broader appreciation of his music. The second, at Hard Rock Café Pretoria, was particularly memorable due to the controversy surrounding his performance of ‘K*ffer’ in a predominantly white suburban area. These experiences demonstrate his ability to connect with diverse audiences and challenge societal norms through his thought-provoking lyrics and energetic stage presence.

Defining success and looking towards the future

Two major challenges Big Number faces are breaking into the music scene and getting his songs on official platforms and TV. To overcome these hurdles, he plans to continue pushing good music, collaborating more, and actively registering and following up with the platforms.

When asked about his goals for the future, Big Number envisions himself performing in different countries and collaborating with international artists. However, he remains grounded by his South African roots. “Realistically, I see myself pushing good music in South Africa, working with big local artists,” he states.

Building a fan base and marketing himself

Big Number intends to expand his fan base through more collaborations, shooting music videos and utilising social media platforms. He actively engages with his fans, replying to their messages and taking pictures with them in person. He believes in building a community around his music, both online and offline.

“I believe in the power of networking and featuring with other artists,” he says. “I also utilise social media platforms to connect with my fans and build a community around my music.”

The importance of art, and what motivates Big Number

Big Number firmly believes that art is a vital part of society, serving as an escape, a form of communication and a source of inspiration. For him, creating music is not just about motivation but a natural talent that he possesses. He finds inspiration in people’s experiences and situations they encounter.

Defining success and advice for aspiring musicians

Looking ahead, GrèY GalxY aims to achieve international recognition, leaving a lasting impact on the global music scene. He recognises that success is not just about fame, but about using his music to tell heart-warming stories and share the presence of a higher power. Critics and collectors have mostly responded positively to his work, which brings him joy and motivates him to continue creating. As he progresses in his career, he plans to create more music videos to enhance his marketing strategies.

As GrèY GalxY continues to create music that transcends boundaries and embraces multilingualism, he hopes to inspire fellow artists to dream big, persevere through challenges and trust in their unique journeys. His motto, “Bare Phala Fela Kaonna Famous”, serves as a reminder to stay true to oneself and rise above the pressures of the industry. With hard work, determination and a passion for storytelling, GrèY GalxY is steadily making his mark in the music world, captivating listeners and leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts of all who encounter his artistry.


Instagram: @grey_galxy.international

TikTok: @grey_galxy.international

Facebook: @Grey Galxy.international


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[Fresh Notes] – Hip-hop artist Big Number makes waves with authentic style and powerful messages https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/08/01/fresh-notes-hip-hop-artist-big-number-makes-waves-with-authentic-style-and-powerful-messages/ Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:17:26 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72508 Carving his path in the music industry Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Big Number Big Number, also known as […]

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Carving his path in the music industry

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Big Number

Big Number, also known as Tlhomamo Mokoa, is an up-and-coming artist hailing from Soshanguve who is making waves in the music industry. With his unique style and powerful messages, Big Number is quickly gaining a loyal fan base.

Starting from the beginning: background and stage name

Tlhomamo Mokoa, born in Mafikeng and raised in Vryburg, now calls Soshanguve his home. Raised by a single mother, Duduzile Mokoa, he attended Hill View High School and started his music journey at a young age. From an early age, he showed a keen interest in music and began recording and writing songs when he was still in primary school.

His stage name, Big Number, originated from his days as a DJ in Botswana. He explains: “They used to say, ‘you o shapa Number Jo o Laas’, which means ‘you play good music’. So, I combined DJ Laas Number and changed it to DJ Big Number, dropping the DJ later on.”

Exploring different musical genres and influences

While Big Number is primarily focused on hip-hop, he also showcases his versatility by branching out into deep house, Afrotech, commercial house and amapiano as a DJ. His musical influences include HHP, Proverb, Eminem, Lil Wayne and many other artists who have shaped his unique style.

First song and conveying a message

Big Number’s first song, ‘Swimming Pool’, was inspired by Kendrick’s hit song of the same name. He wrote it in Setswana, showcasing his cultural roots. As his style evolved, his music started conveying specific messages. He also aims to tell stories that focus on the mistakes people make.

“My music is all about love, peace, perseverance and forgiveness. I want to relay stories that highlight the mistakes we make and the lessons we learn along the way. By combining the old basics of rap with a unique flow, I strive to set myself apart from other artists and deliver meaningful music.”

What sets him apart, and his creative process

What sets Big Number apart from other artists is his ability to maintain the basic elements of rap. He emphasises punchlines, flow, cadence, authenticity, storytelling, sense, rhyme and a powerful message. His creative process primarily begins with the beat. “Honestly speaking, it’s all in the beat for me,” he reveals. “I want to feel inspired by the beat, and then the words come naturally.” He seeks inspiration from the music and allows the words to flow organically. Sometimes, he is given a topic to write about, and other times, he simply puts pen to paper, drawing from his existing material to create a masterpiece.

Career highlight and collaboration experiences

Although Big Number believes his biggest career moment is yet to come, he considers performing before Shane Eagle a significant achievement. “I recently had the opportunity to perform before Shane Eagle at the peak of his career,” he beams. “It was a surreal experience for me.” He has collaborated with various artists, with a particular highlight being the ‘Never Ride’ remix, which was done alongside several artists from Soshanguve. He enjoys working with both established and unknown artists, as each collaboration brings a unique experience.

Overcoming challenges and future goals

Two major challenges Big Number faces are breaking into the music scene and getting his songs on official platforms and TV. To overcome these hurdles, he plans to continue pushing good music, collaborating more, and actively registering and following up with the platforms.

When asked about his goals for the future, Big Number envisions himself performing in different countries and collaborating with international artists. However, he remains grounded by his South African roots. “Realistically, I see myself pushing good music in South Africa, working with big local artists,” he states.

Building a fan base and marketing himself

Big Number intends to expand his fan base through more collaborations, shooting music videos and utilising social media platforms. He actively engages with his fans, replying to their messages and taking pictures with them in person. He believes in building a community around his music, both online and offline.

“I believe in the power of networking and featuring with other artists,” he says. “I also utilise social media platforms to connect with my fans and build a community around my music.”

The importance of art, and what motivates Big Number

Big Number firmly believes that art is a vital part of society, serving as an escape, a form of communication and a source of inspiration. For him, creating music is not just about motivation but a natural talent that he possesses. He finds inspiration in people’s experiences and situations they encounter.

Defining success and advice for aspiring musicians

Success, for Big Number, is not just about reaching the masses but also monetising his music. His advice for aspiring musicians is to be authentic and consistent, focusing on their own unique style and maintaining a steady output of quality music.

Moving forward, and what’s next

Big Number plans to release more music in the future and hopes to secure more live performances. He is pushing himself to regain the momentum he once had and continue making an impact in the music industry.

Through his music, Big Number hopes to make a meaningful impact. “I want my songs to touch people’s lives and inspire them,” he says. “I want to see my music monetised and live a lavish lifestyle, but I also want to support causes such as women empowerment, mental health and addressing issues within our society.”

Big Number is an artist with immense talent and a passion for his craft. With a unique style, powerful messages and a drive to succeed, he is well on his way to making a mark in the music industry. Keep an eye out for Big Number as he continues to captivate audiences and bring his music to the masses.

Instagram: @Bignumberq
TikTok: @Bignumberq
Twitter: @Big_NumberQ


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[Fresh Notes] – Big P talks inspiration, challenges and the power of music https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/07/12/fresh-notes-big-p-talks-inspiration-challenges-and-the-power-of-music/ Wed, 12 Jul 2023 11:51:51 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=72169 How a small-town rapper is making waves in the music industry with his authentic sound and positive message Written by […]

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How a small-town rapper is making waves in the music industry with his authentic sound and positive message

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Big P

“With his passion for music and unique sound, Benedict Phakedi Mokobi, better known by his stage name, Big P, is set to make waves in the hip-hop industry. Hailing from the small town of Musina in Limpopo, South Africa, this young artist has been making music since he was 13 years old. His unwavering dedication to his craft has led him to where he is today – on the verge of stardom.”

In this exclusive interview, Big P talks about his life, music and goals for the future.


Early inspiration and name choice

Growing up, Big P was exposed to the world of music through his father, David Mokobi, who was a local DJ at Musina FM radio station. He was particularly inspired by American rapper Eminem and was drawn to the genre of hip-hop. At the age of 13, he started writing verses and kept them to himself until his friends discovered his talent during Grade 9. When he entered the music industry, he decided to stick with the name “Big P”, which is derived from his childhood nickname and his first name.

“My dad’s been in the game for over two decades now, and he’s still as passionate about it as he was in the beginning. His dedication and determination motivate me to be the best artist that I can be,” he said.


Challenges faced and overcoming them

Every artist faces challenges in their career, and Big P is no exception. He recalls one particularly challenging moment when he had a fallout with his first producer. Finding another reputable producer was difficult, but he eventually found someone he could trust.

“It was a tough time for me because I had to find someone who could capture my sound and vision just like my first producer. After a long search, I found someone who is just as great, though a bit more expensive,” said Big P.

However, Big P advises upcoming artists to always be patient and to trust their instincts when it comes to their music.

“Your music should reflect who you are and what you stand for as an artist. Never compromise on your vision and keep working hard,” he added.

Differentiating sound

In a market inundated with local sounds that all sound the same, Big P differentiates himself through his cadences, lyrics and content. His authenticity and unique perspective allow him to produce work that is different, authentic and anything but ordinary.


Creative Process

Big P’s creative process is fluid and changes with every song he creates. He draws inspiration from different sources and makes music based on how he is feeling at any given moment. Big P creates a product that he is happy with, which reflects his mindset and embodies his authentic sound.


Upcoming projects and themes in his music

Big P is excited about his upcoming singles and EP. He hopes to showcase his versatility and establish a stable fan base. In terms of themes, he aims to convey positivity and spread a message of love, loyalty and respect.

“I want to make music that people can relate to and find comfort in. There’s so much negativity in the world, and if I can make someone’s day a little better through my music, then I’ve achieved my goal,” he notes.


Collaborating with other artists

When collaborating with other artists, Big P emphasises the importance of vibing with the artist and feeling their energy. In the future, he is open to working with artists both in and out of town.

He said: “I’m always interested in working with other artists who share the same passion and drive as me. If I feel the energy is right, then it’s a go.”


Final thoughts

Big P’s rise to fame is just beginning, and he has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. By remaining true to himself and his sound, he is making a name for himself and setting himself apart from other artists in the industry.

“I don’t focus on becoming a big star; I focus on making music that resonates with people. Fame and fortune will come eventually, but what’s important is to be genuine and heartfelt in what I do,” he states.

With his music, Big P aims to create a sense of unity and bring people together. His authenticity and talent have already captured the hearts of his fans, and it’s clear that he is on his way to becoming an icon in the world of hip-hop.

Facebook: BIG_P

Twitter: @BIGPSA1


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[Fresh Notes] – DMS TheeUnderdawg: The rising star from Limpopo is ready to take over the music industry https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/06/22/fresh-notes-dms-theeunderdawg-the-rising-star-from-limpopo-is-ready-to-take-over-the-music-industry/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 08:24:56 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=71827 From small-town beginnings to building a fan base of thousands, DMS TheeUnderdawg’s journey is only just beginning Written by Phetolo […]

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From small-town beginnings to building a fan base of thousands, DMS TheeUnderdawg’s journey is only just beginning

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by DMS TheeUnderdawg

“I started from zero but now I have more than 1,000 people streaming and sharing my music. I have become a household name where I come from and I’m looking forward to expanding my brand.”

Joseph Jachi, better known as DMS TheeUnderdawg, is a rising musician from the small town of Musina in Limpopo. Raised by his single mother, Josephine Jachi, DMS discovered his passion for music in July 2019, only a few months after he matriculated. Let’s explore DMS’s journey so far – his musical influences, creative process and plans for the future.

The early years and musical influences

DMS started his music journey with limited resources but, over time, he gained a loyal fanbase of thousands. DMS stands for “Designed My Story”, and “TheeUnderdawg” comes from the movie Underdawgs. The story behind the name is that they always win, no matter what.

DMS TheeUnderdawg admires rapper 2Pac and Mizo Phyll, also known as the “King of VenRap”, for their contribution to the entertainment industry. DMS’s mother has also been a significant influence in his life. He attributes the success of his music and sound to these people, who played significant roles in his life.

Overcoming challenges and about the creative process

When DMS started his music, he faced several challenges, such as a lack of resources to record, produce music videos and market his music. But he found a job to overcome those challenges. “I spent most of my time at church and I am a prayerful person. I love God and I appreciate everything He has done for me.” He has been drug- and alcohol-free for nine months and three weeks, and he is proud of his progress.

DMS loves mixing genres in his music to accommodate everyone’s tastes. From Afrobeats and hip-hop to amapiano, he doesn’t limit himself as an artist. He often writes music in the studio and records it after completion, because his music is mostly guided by his emotions and life experiences.

Accomplishments and future plans

DMS TheeUnderdawg has accomplished a lot in a short time, with his extended play The First Offering gaining over 185,000 worldwide streams. One of the most popular songs on the EP is ‘Jiggy’, which has garnered over 80,000 streams alone. His dream is to win awards, travel the world, perform in different countries and become one of the greats.

“I’ve got a new single I am dropping soon, featuring McDee Madhara and Hdk The Godfather, titled ‘Turn Up 2.0’. It is a remix of one of my songs, ‘Turn Up’, which was released in 2020, and it is all about partying and having a good time.”

Staying motivated and inspired

DMS TheeUnderdawg stays motivated by the circle he keeps and has big aspirations for himself, as he aims to work hard on his craft and reach new levels of creativity. He is inspired by his friends, such as Mozisi “Tsoanelo Moyo” and Okay Cedric, who have made it big.

The importance of art in society

To DMS, a society without art would be dull and empty. He believes that creators are doing an excellent job of entertaining society through art, and this motivates him to create more music.

Collaboration and networking

DMS TheeUnderdawg sees collaboration as a significant way to expand one’s brand. He is open to collaborations and networking with other artists to exchange skills and share ideas, creating a win-win scenario. DMS hopes to collaborate with Mizo Phyll in the future. “The family I’ve built, including the relationships I’ve built between myself and other artists, is key. Hdk The Godfather is one of the men behind my success. I believe that he is one of the greatest producers of our generation, and one of the future greats.”
Lessons learnt and keeping a positive mindset

DMS looks back at his first song and admits that it was whack. However, despite the lows in his journey, the lessons learnt have been worth it. DMS says that criticism should never get one down.

Advice to aspiring musicians

DMS advises aspiring musicians to work hard and never limit themselves. He highlights the importance of positive energy, staying focused and remembering that their passion and drive led them to music. His advice is to trust the process and remember the reasons they started. He says musicians should always work on themselves until they get their sound right. They should never quit, should believe in themselves and focus on their craft.

DMS TheeUnderdawg’s music journey highlights the value of hard work, positivity and persistence in achieving success. His unique sound and willingness to mix genres demonstrate the essence of versatility in music. With big dreams of winning awards, travelling the world and performing in different countries, DMS is an example of how far one can go with determination and passion.

When asked how he plans to market himself and increase his fanbase and supporters, he responds:

“I’d change marketing by paying influencers and expand his brand through their brands.”

Instagram: @dmstheeunderdawg

Twitter: @theeunderdawg


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[Fresh Notes] – Mosa Christopher Meso: Rapping About the Struggle in Black South Africa https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/06/06/fresh-notes-mosa-christopher-meso-rapping-about-the-struggle-in-black-south-africa/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 10:29:46 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=71420 Healing and empowering lives through music Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Monsakie Mosa Christopher Meso, also known as Monsakie, […]

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Healing and empowering lives through music

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Monsakie

Mosa Christopher Meso, also known as Monsakie, is a rising South African musician, fashion and graphic designer, director of photography and producer. Despite not having a musical background, he was inspired by friends who studied music back in high school. With dedication and learning on YouTube, Monsakie taught himself everything he needed to know about music.

His unique blend of African trap and kasi hip-hop has a raw energy that speaks directly to the hearts of his listeners. Let’s delve into the world of Monsakie, exploring his musical journey, goals and successes.

How he got into music

Growing up in Soshanguve, Monsakie was inspired to pursue music by his friends but never imagined that it would be his passion. “I was inspired by my friends who did music back in the day, and I never knew that I was going to be a musician.

“I didn’t know how to rap, I just did hooks,” Monsakie said. Luckily, he was signed by Oneieeleng Lekana, owner of Cascade Sound Productions, and learned to produce while staying at his house. He produced his first mixtape, Blacks Emotions, after learning how to produce. He then worked with various producers like Sandy Murks, who produced his second EP, DAREIIDREAM, and also worked with Muungu Africa which was part of Open Mic Productions.

A unique journey to music success

Monsakie’s ultimate goal is to heal and change lives through music, while also helping other talented individuals, like his second artist, Nguni, achieve their dreams. However, Monsakie has faced a number of obstacles, including a lack of resources, information and self-doubt when it comes to depending on big record labels.

Despite these challenges, Monsakie has made significant strides by signing himself to his own record label, Blumag Records, and working with artists he admires, such as Blaklez, Emtee, Chaddadon and Brian Temba. His biggest achievement to date was working on Emtee’s album, titled #LOGAN.

Spreading positivity and empowering the youth

Monsakie’s music is deeply personal and draws inspiration from his own struggles and the daily struggles of black people. He raps about real issues, becoming vulnerable and putting his emotions on display. His sound is a unique blend of African trap and kasi hip-hop, which is certainly different from what we’re used to hearing in mainstream music. “Everything I rap or sing about is real talk about our daily problems as black people. I become very vulnerable, to the point where I put all my emotions on a record and rap about my life’s struggle and also include other people’s life experiences.” 

Music plays a big role in Monsakie’s life because it unites the youth and can heal and motivate people. Monsakie’s music is often centred around uplifting themes, with the aim of inspiring people to look to themselves and their communities to make a positive change in the world.

Telling a personal story

Monsakie’s solo project, #DAREIIDREAM2, is set to release this year. It’s an album that aims to tell his story alone, without relying on features. Monsakie believes that with a plan and a budget, it’s easier for artists to launch their careers, thanks to social media platforms.

Monsakie stays true to his roots and uses his music to showcase the uniqueness of his African heritage. He plans to build momentum by remaining consistent, releasing music and videos and giving his audience the best of himself and of his label, Blumag Records.

Plans for a bright future

For those looking to embark on a career in the music industry, Monsakie’s advice is to stay true to yourself, network and collaborate with other artists. Even with a solid plan in place, there’s no one formula for success in music, but hard work, consistency and staying true to oneself are key. Monsakie’s future is bright, with gigs starting in July and running through September and plans in place to release videos every month.

In today’s music industry, social media has opened up new opportunities for artists to promote their music and build their fan base without relying on traditional media outlets. Monsakie’s advice to other aspiring artists is to stay true to themselves, work hard, stay consistent and collaborate and network with other artists.

Monsakie may be the black sheep of his family when it comes to music, but he is now making a name for himself as a talented rapper and producer, using art to heal and change lives. Check out his social media pages for updates on his upcoming gigs and releases.

Instagram: @mosankie_csp

Twitter: @Mosankiecsp


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[Fresh Notes] – Dave D: The talented emerging hip-hop artist from Limpopo https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/05/31/fresh-notes-dave-d-the-talented-emerging-hip-hop-artist-from-limpopo/ https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/05/31/fresh-notes-dave-d-the-talented-emerging-hip-hop-artist-from-limpopo/#comments Wed, 31 May 2023 06:27:30 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=71364 With his unique style and sound, Dave D is quickly becoming a rising star in the music industry. Dave D, […]

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With his unique style and sound, Dave D is quickly becoming a rising star in the music industry.

Written by Phetolo Sematha, Images by Dave D

Dave D, real name David Divine Mondiwa, is a 21-year-old up-and-coming hip-hop artist from the small town of Musina in Limpopo, South Africa. “I started my music journey as a poet, writing love poems to my companions until my friend, Blessing Beatz, introduced me to FL Studio and making beats.” From there, he started producing beats for himself and other artists but, as time went by, he fell in love with rapping. His early years as a producer allowed him to hone his skills and develop a sound that is both innovative and captivating.

From bedroom recording to releasing mixtapes

Dave D’s first rap name as he began his rap journey was Tistic Divine. “I started recording in my room, using earphones and a small laptop, and played my songs for my friends and classmates.” He collaborated with a couple of artists from Musina, including F7ZZ and Young Sane. In 2020, he became part of a music group called PRSXL and he released his first body of work, the Discovery Mixtape, on all digital platforms in August 2021.

This debut album has been commended by fans and critics alike, with poignant lyrics and engaging beats showcasing the artist’s immense talent. This was an eye-opener for fans and made people aware of him, leading to his presence being felt since then.

Collaboration and inviting flows

Dave D and his group, PRSXL, are known for their combination of talent, flows and style, which makes them stand out from other music groups out there. Dave D has released other projects and songs with artists like Repoison Murepa, DMS THEEUNDERDAWG and KUNTA_ZA, which have generated over 170,000 streams on Spotify and have garnered him a considerable listening base from all over the world.

Musical gifts and aspirations

His musical gifts and ability to transcend genres are bound to make Dave D a household name. He is continually improving on his music, and he’s excited to work with more artists in the near future. Dave recently released a new song called ‘Catch Me If You Can’ (featuring Roman Ciigar), which has become his most-streamed single, with over 16,000 streams on Spotify alone.

Working on his first solo album

The artist is currently working on his first solo album, and fans are excited about it. He states that it will feature numerous talented artists. Dave D is a force to be reckoned with, and his sheer dedication and hard work shine through in all his work.

In the entertainment industry, there is no telling where an artist’s journey will take them. With Dave D’s remarkable talent and unstoppable drive, it’s clear that he is going to make it in the wider industry. This is definitely someone to keep an eye on… Let’s keep an ear out for his new music and join the thousands of fans who have already fallen in love with his unique sound.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Dave D. Experience their evocative melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and soul-stirring performances. It’s an opportunity to witness the birth of a star and to be among the first to discover an artist destined to make a significant impact in the music industry.


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https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/05/31/fresh-notes-dave-d-the-talented-emerging-hip-hop-artist-from-limpopo/feed/ 2
5 questions for Bea https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/05/22/5-questions-for-bea/ Mon, 22 May 2023 09:11:42 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=71221 Bea is from Pretoria and her track ‘Girldem’ was featured on our HYPE Sessions 96 tracklist Bea is a 24-year-old […]

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Bea is from Pretoria and her track ‘Girldem’ was featured on our HYPE Sessions 96 tracklist

Bea is a 24-year-old up and coming rapper, who you may know as a dancer in the industry. She is, however, pursuing music full time now. Her song ‘Girldem’ is a dose of confidence, mainly for her female fans.

How long have you been making music, and how did it start for you?

I have been making music for nearly two years now. I have always wanted to pursue music but always had this shyness about it, plus I just knew the time was not right back then. It was around 2021 where I decided to just dive in and give it a go. I started out with a few freestyles here and there until I landed on making my own music. This then led to me now dropping my very own debut single ‘Girldem’.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?

There are honestly too many to name but to pick a few, I would say Blxckie, A-Reece, Nasty C, Nadia Nakai, Maphorisa and Black Coffee, mainly because they are some of the most impactful artists I’ve seen in our country, and I would really love to get in on that sauce. There are also a variety of international artists I really admire and would love to collaborate with such as Rema, Ayra Starr, Wizkid, Burna, Latto, Doechii and many more. I’m reaching hard, but why not?

What is your proudest achievement to date?

In the dance world I would say landing my first Netflix gig in a dance-inspired series called ‘Jiva’ and travelling to different countries in the continent for different gigs. I am yet to experience a big one in music but honestly even just dropping my first single is a big proud moment for me.

Which artist is, in your opinion, the GOAT?

This will sound like such a cliché but of course Nicki Minaj is my GOAT all day. However, hands down Kendrick Lamar takes my GOAT card respectfully. He is the most decorated artist I have ever experienced in so many aspects.

What can we expect from you in the coming year?

You can expect the unexpected. I have so many songs in the vault with different sounds and genres which I believe will catch people by surprise and hopefully a potential full project towards the end of the year.

Bea’s song, ‘Girldem’ featured on HYPE Sessions 96 in our May issue


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5 questions for Sebastian Moola https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/05/19/5-questions-for-sebastian-moola/ Fri, 19 May 2023 11:00:38 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=71201 Sebastian Moola’s track ‘Find Change’ ft Psyko Beats was featured on our HYPE Sessions 96 tracklist Siyabonga Sebastian Makunga AKA […]

The post 5 questions for Sebastian Moola appeared first on HYPE Magazine.


Sebastian Moola’s track ‘Find Change’ ft Psyko Beats was featured on our HYPE Sessions 96 tracklist

Siyabonga Sebastian Makunga AKA Sebastian Moola is a 31-year-old father of three boys. He realised his music passion in the early 2000’s when he was introduced to the legendary hip-hop mogul Dr. Dre’s ‘Chronic’ album. He took the decision to follow his music passion and pursue music as a career. In 2010 he was already in studio with the most influential up and coming artists in Johannesburg (at the time they were known as a group called the Ghetto Prophecy which had Tweezy and E Jay just to name a few). In 2011 he finally went back to his town of birth where he groomed his knowledge and became the artist, producer and entrepreneur we know today. He dropped his second project on 21 March and even has his own brand merchandise (Sebastian Moola Merch). Sebastian Moola has his sights set on becoming a well-known rapper from Mdantsane.

How long have you been making music, and how did it start for you?

I have been at it for like 15 years now. It all started at home but became a reality around 2008 when I stayed in JHB.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?

Drake would be the person because I saw him become the greatest in his prime from being someone we never trusted coming from Canada… He’s the best to me!

What is your proudest achievement to date?

My own family is the first place, but also my skills in music and the business too is my proudest achievement to date.

Which artist is, in your opinion, the GOAT?

Sean Carter AKA Hov is the greatest of all time to me because he’s the real ni**a dream.

What can we expect from you in the coming year?

More music and appearances, as I am on a journey with the best in South Africa when it comes to being a versatile hip-hop DJ. That’s my brother Tsepho aka Reezyville. Stay tuned people because this is going to be the longest ride ever. We still need some tour dates to confirm our overseas tour, but we’ll leave it right there as we’re always working on our crafts and businesses. We will change the game for the better, because we never die, we multiply. R.I.P Jabba, Pro, Citi Lyts, Dimplez, AKA and Costa Titch and others too, because this list has become longer as I came closer to my dreams. May God bless us all.

Sebastian Moola’s song, ‘Find Change’ ft Psyko Beats featured on HYPE Sessions 96 in our May issue, available here


The post 5 questions for Sebastian Moola appeared first on HYPE Magazine.

5 questions for JustVuyo! https://hypemagazine.co.za/2023/04/28/5-questions-for-justvuyo/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:31:21 +0000 https://hypemagazine.co.za/?p=70882 He hails from the East of Johannesburg and blends genres and styles JustVuyo! is an artist who uses a wide […]

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He hails from the East of Johannesburg and blends genres and styles

JustVuyo! is an artist who uses a wide range of styles – from hip-hop to R&B to alternative. He loves distortion and aims to make the best songs to perform – and to one day maybe bring Rolling Loud-type festivals to South Africa.

How long have you been making music, and how did it start for you?

I’ve been making music since 2020. I decided to give it a try since we were all under quarantine, so I thought it would be a great pastime.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would you choose and why?

Currently, I would really love to work with Oxii-moron. I think he is very talented and there is much to learn from him when it comes to quality control and timeless R&B music.

What is your proudest achievement to date?

I don’t actually know; I don’t really look for achievement or even failure. I guess maybe my biggest achievement would be that I’m genuinely having fun making music and sharing it with my friends.

Which artist is, in your opinion, is the GOAT?

Hands down The Weeknd. I love how he took something as bubblegum as pop and made it into this dark universe that only he lives in. He gives his music a certain atmosphere or vibe that I would really love to learn how to do.

What can we expect from you in the coming year?

I like to tell myself that I only exist in the present because if I dwell on the future, I get anxious and nervous and end up ruining things. So, to be honest I don’t even know, we will all find out together.

JustVuyo’s song, ‘P.S.A’ (prod. By BrotherKupa/Cardicy) featured on HYPE Sessions 95 in our April issue, available here


The post 5 questions for JustVuyo! appeared first on HYPE Magazine.
